How To See The Pink Supermoon in Denver Tonight!

You may have heard about the big pink supermoon that is supposed to rise tonight!

There's going to be a perfect time to catch a glimpse (even though it may be a little cloudy) according to

The National Weather Service is forecasting a partly cloudy sky for Monday evening when the moon rises. Moonrise is around 7 p.m., and the moon reaches perigee at around 9:30 p.m.

Patch also described that they moon may not actually be pink...bummer. But they do explain how the term "pink moon" came to be:

Go back to the 1930s, when the Maine Farmers' Almanac began assigning American Indian names to full moons for each month of the year. April's full moon is called the full pink moon after the color of creeping pink phlox that blooms this time of year.

Are you going to watch tonight? More info HERE!

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