All Charges Against Adnan Syed Dropped

If it wasn't for the Serial podcast, would Adnan Syed still be in prison?

After the fame podcast brought attention to the murder of Hae Min Lee in 1999 and then boyfriend Adnan Syed, it forced the legal system to take a closer look at the actual evidence they had that imprisoned a man for over 20 years. A circuit court judge reversed Syed’s conviction on 9/19/22 after ruling authorities did not present exculpatory evidence that would of helped his defense.

He was on house arrest, until today. The prosecutors had 8 more days to decide if they were going to take the case against him further. They decided today to research evidence against two others and drop the case against Adnan.

They are currently testing DNA that was never tested to see if they have a match to two other suspects.

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