Chris Hemsworth Puts Acting Career On Hold

Chris Hemsworth has a bunch of projects in the works, like Avengers and a sequel to Hulk Hogan, but then he plans to step away from Hollywood to focus on his health.

He underwent genetic testing while on the show Limitless on National Geographic and found out he's at high risk of contracting Alzheimer's later on in life. “My concern was I just didn’t want to manipulate it and overdramatize it, and make it into some sort of hokey grab at empathy, or whatever, for entertainment,” he told the outlet. “It’s not like I’ve been handed my resignation.” He continued to say, "If you look at Alzheimer's prevention, the benefit of preventative steps is that it affects the rest of your life. When you have preposition to cardiovascular heart disease, cancer, anything — it's all about sleep management, stress management, nutrition, movement, fitness. It's all kind of the same tools that need to be applied in a consistent way."

Chris is married and has 10 year old daughter India and twins Tristan and Sasha , 9.

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