Chelsea Thomas

Chelsea Thomas

Huge lover of all things coffee, cheese, animals and music. Full Bio


Chelsea Shares Her Mom's AMAZING Chicken Soup Recipe!

For as long as I can remember, my mom has always made me this chicken soup.

You know how when you have left over bananas, you make banana bread before they go bad? That's how this chicken soup is but you use leftover chicken before you throw it away after carving most of the chicken off!!

Here is the recipe!


1 chicken carcass with meat still on bone


Chef Prudhomme - poultry magic (THIS IS CRUCIAL! Makes the whole soup) Find it at the store or HERE!

Carrots and Celery

Rice or pasta (I prefer rice)

Salt or pepper to taste


*Put a chicken carcass in a stock pot and fill to cover chicken with water

*Cover the entire top of water with the poultry magic seasoning (be generous)

*Cover and simmer for anywhere from 4-7 hours. ( longer in the summer you may need to add a little water if gets low. This is your bone broth )

*After simmering take off of heat to cool.

*Pour the bone broth in a colander over a large bowl. DON'T DUMP OUT BROTH!

*Wait for meat to cool a bit. Then pick out any meat you're using for your soup off of the bones of the chicken. Be careful to pick out bones.

*Place meat into bone broth.

*Put meat and broth combined back onto stove to simmer.

*Peel and slice between 2-4 carrots ( depends how much you like) and slice 2-4 stalks of celery. Add to broth mix.

*Cook until veggies are tender.

*add rice or pasta until done. Add salt or pepper to taste if needed.

**My mom doesn't... but once veggies are added, I cover the top of water with MORE poultry magic seasoning because I like it a little spicy. You can decide your preference based on taste!

And voila! You have the best chicken soup ever! I pour half into some glass tupperwear containers and freeze it for the future.

Hope you love it!

XO- Chelsea

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