I LOVEEE Vizzy. Love love love. And this contest they have going on is so cool!
Vizzy Lemonade Hard Seltzer wants you to send them pics of your lemon of a car.
The person with the worst lemon could win $25,000 to put toward a new car – as well as a year’s worth of Vizzy Lemonade Hard Seltzer.
Here are the rules according to the Vizzy website:
Thankfully, Vizzy Hard Seltzer wants to upgrade your ride and your drink of choice in honor of their latest flavor drop, Vizzy Lemonade Hard Seltzer complete with antioxidant vitamin C. Starting today, Vizzy is giving away free** lemonade hard seltzer in exchange for a photo of your crappy lemon of a ride.
Simply send an email to lemonade@vizzyhardseltzer.comwith a picture of your “lemon” along with your name, age, state of residence, and what makes your ride a lemon to enter for a chance to win (full for rules, visit here). Vizzy will pick the 1,000 biggest lemons and will reward the owners with lemonade hard seltzer on us**.
In addition to dishin’ out hard seltzer, Vizzy will also award the owner of the absolute worst lemon with $25,000 to buy a totally new ride PLUS a year’s worth of Vizzy Lemonade Hard Seltzer (awarded as $500).*
So if you have a lemon of a car, get more info HERE!